20 architectural masterpieces in Copenhagen
Danish architecture is going through a new golden with world-class contemporary architecture all over the city. These are some of Copenhagen's architectural must-sees that are part of Copenhagen's cityscape alongside historic buildings and palaces.
The architectural masterpiece 8House
8TALLET follows the pattern of architectural master pieces in Ørestad in Copenhagen and is designed by Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG).
8TALLET (i.e. the number 8) follows in the footsteps of the VM Mountain...
The Tietgen Residence Hall
The source of inspiration for the new Students' Residence in Copenhagen were the traditional Tulou houses in Southeastern China - village communities with individual dwellings and communal facilities....
M/S Maritime Museum of Denmark
Experience award-winning architecture and interactive exhibitions in the maritime surroundings of Kulturhavn Kronborg in Elsinore.
The Black Diamond - Royal Danish Library
The stunning modern addition and its historic older counterpart hold books, exhibitions, a cafe and much more.
Krøyers Plads
Krøyers Plads is a new square located at a great location in the Copenhagen neighbourhood Christianshavn.
The square was designed together with the surrounding buildings, which continue the historic ...
The Royal Danish Playhouse
The Playhouse in Copenhagen is the national centre of dramatic art, tailored in every detail for top-level theatre productions.
The centre has three stages: Store Scene, Portscene, and Lille Scene with...
Portland Towers
One of the many architectural attractions at Nordhavn
Portland Towers was the first building to be finished in the new neighbourhood Århusgadekvarteret in Nordhavn. With their 52 meters’ height, the...
The prestigious VM MOUNTAIN in Ørestad City is designed by architects Bjarke Ingels (BIG), JDS and Plot. It contains 80 residential units all with terrace decks and luxuriant roof gardens protruding f...
DR Koncerthuset
The concert hall DR Koncerthuset in Copenhagen is designed by French architect Jean Nouvel. The acoustics are amazing, and in 2012 the venue was named one of the 10 greatest concert halls of the new m...
Axel Towers
Axel Towers is designed by the talented Lene Tranberg from the award winning Danish architect firm Lundgaard & Tranberg Arkitekter.
The architect firm is also known for the Tietgen Dormitory, SEB Hea...
Maersk Tower
Discover the University of Copenhagen's innovative and sustainable-designed 75 meter tall tower, that's also one of the best views of the city.
Ørestad Street Hall
Ørestad Streethal is an architectural gem with a lot of potential.
There are almost no limits on sports activities to throw yourself into in this 1,700 square meter sports center in Ørestad, the sout...
Modern, beautiful and functionalistic social housing by world-renowned architect, Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG).
In Copenhagen, residential housing does not have to compromise with cutting-edge architect...
The Royal Danish Opera House
The Copenhagen Opera House is a donation from the A.P. Møller and Chastine McKinney Møller Foundation to the Danish people.
It totals 41,000 square meters. Five of the fourteen stories are subterran...