Editorial Policy
Current guidelines for Wonderful Copenhagen’s communication on VisitCopenhagen.com and social media under the VisitCopenhagen brand.
VisitCopenhagen.com and the connected social media channels under the same brand are owned and run by Wonderful Copenhagen, the official tourist organization in the Copenhagen region. All content on VisitCopenhagen and its social media channels is editorial, chosen and written by our editorial staff in alignment with Wonderful Copenhagen’s strategy and VisitCopenhagen’s communication strategy. Our main focus is to fulfil the travellers’ needs for the benefit of the destination.
Strategic reason
VisitCopenhagen’s communication strategy is founded on principles supporting sustainable tourism and attracting people from abroad who share the same mindset.
The three main pillars of this effort are seasonal spread, geographical spread, and sustainable behaviour. On top of that, our storytelling is built around four strengths that make Copenhagen stand out, are difficult to copy for competing destinations, and that guests find attractive. Our four themes are gastronomy, outdoor city life, architecture and design, and culture and art.
According to this, at least one or more of these defined strengths must be present in each component of the overall narrative we built around Copenhagen as a travel destination.
Editorial freedom and independence
VisitCopenhagen is run on the principle of editorial freedom. We are not paid to put certain content on the site. The editorial decisions are solely made following the strategies of Wonderful Copenhagen and VisitCopenhagen.
The purpose of VisitCopenhagen.com is not to be a complete directory of things to experience in Copenhagen but to transmit a narrative that can inspire travellers and convey a rightful, authentic image of Copenhagen as a travel destination.
For that reason, we reserve the right to pass on stories, points of interest, etc., even though they may align with our communication strategy.
Paid content
On very few sections on VisitCopenhagen.com, you will find paid content. It will always be obvious when this is the case.
Replies on inquiries
We reserve the right to moderate and delete comments on our social media if standard good etiquette and the media’s guidelines are not respected. On our social media, we aim to answer all inquiries from people who need help solving a problem or answering a question – but often, our community beats us to it.
Everyone is welcome to contact us through our contact form. You will receive an autoreply to confirm that your mail has been received. We aim to answer all requests as soon as possible, but due to limited resources, we cannot always guarantee a swift answer.
Promoting events
Generally, we mention more significant and annual events in the Copenhagen area, but unfortunately, we do not run an event calendar per se.
We aim to keep the site updated according to the current strategic focus with the resources we have at our disposal. Copenhagen is an ever-evolving city, and even though we do our best to keep everything current and fresh, we acknowledge the fact that there might be content on the site that is yet to be updated according to our own standards.