
General opening hours

photo_by: Erik Hageman

To make sure you don't go in vain we have listed the general opening hours and holidays for shops in Copenhagen. 

Opening hours in Copenhagen vary, and department stores and supermarkets usually stay open longer than regular stores. Outside ordinary shopping hours various kiosks are open for sale of tobacco, newspapers, sweets etc. Bakeries, florists and souvenir shops are usually open seven days a week, while other stores will close one-two days a week.

You should always check the opening hours for the specific stores you're planning to visit. 

These are the most common opening hours:

Monday - Thursday 10:00 - 18:00
Friday 10:00 - 19:00
Saturday 10:00 - 16:00
Sunday 12:00 - 16:00

In 2020 the shops can be closed on:

1 January (New Year's Day) 
9 April (Maundy Thursday) 
10 April (Good Friday) 
12 April (Easter Sunday)
13 April (Easter Monday) 
8 May (General Prayer Day)
21 May (Ascension Day)
31 May (Whit Sunday) 
1 June (Whit Monday)
24 December (Christmas Eve)
25 December (Christmas Day)
26 December (Boxing Day)

General office hours:

Monday - Friday 09:00 - 16:00/16:30.